About This Game Z-Exemplar is a side-scrolling shooter in the tradition of R-Type, Gradius, Nemesis and other classic arcade games from the past. Borrowing its aesthetic from the computers of yesteryear (specifically the Sinclair ZX Spectrum) Z-Exemplar combines bright, bold, 8-bit pixel art with frantic action and an epic mission to conquer a galaxy of almost 1000 planets.The BackgroundZ-Exemplar was conceived as a love letter to the ZX Spectrum. Proudly retro, the game embraces the limitations of its 8-bit inspiration to deliver a fast-action, guns-toting, laser-blasting quest with intuitive gameplay and long-lasting appeal. But it's not just nostalgia for its own sake.There is something hugely appealing in the 8-bit aesthetic, something that can be absent in photo-realism. There is space for interpretation, for imagination and a vague assemblage of pixels can evoke in players a different emotion from that engendered by more detailed, distinct images. With the added vibrancy of the ZX Spectrum’s colour palette, this pixellated aesthetic gives Z-Exemplar’s visuals a unique and distinctive feel. On its surface Z-Exemplar's gameplay appears simple - shoot anything that moves and collect the booty they leave behind - but the over-arching goal of the game is anything but. You are tasked with conquering all 960 planets that make up a hostile galaxy with each planet's defenses uniquely configured. As you explore the outer reaches of the galaxy, the defenses become stronger and enemies more lethal and numerous. There is abundant challenge in Z-Exemplar, challenge that grows with your experience.To turn the battle in your favour you can access an arsenal of over 20 upgradeable weapons that transform your basic fighter craft into a devastating war machine - selecting the right loadout for each planetary battle is essential.Features 960 Unique planetary battlegrounds 10 Planet themes 21 Awesome Weapon loadouts 16+ Hours of gameplay A galaxy full of secrets Conquest leaderboard - who'll be first to take over the entire galaxy? Hundreds of enemy types Huge end-of-level guardians Authentic 8-bit pixel art style and audio 6d5b4406ea Title: Z-ExemplarGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Suminell StudiosPublisher:Suminell StudiosRelease Date: 25 Nov, 2016 Z-Exemplar Activation Code [addons] z-exemplar game If you love games such as R-type, Gradius and other old school shooters this one is right up your alley. This game has me in awe. Congratulations to Suminell Studios. I will certainly keep my eyes peeled for their past and future work!. The perfect mix of R-Type, Zynaps and Nemesis.If you are a fan of horizontal scrolling shooters, it\u2019s highly recommended.If you are a fan of R-Type and\/or Zynaps in the ZX Spectrum, it\u2019s OBLIGATORY.It\u2019s hard to add anything new to the plethora of positive reviews, except this: believe them. It may help, but you don\u2019t have to be moved by nostalgia or be a fan of the 8-bit aestethics to appreciate the game. It\u2019s a fantastic side-scrolling shooter in its own right, with a great mix of old and current game mechanics that will keep anyone engaged.Now go buy it Pilot! For the Glory of Zed!. Well it was a fun r-type/Gradius game while it lasted. I completed over 26%, conquered dozens and dozens of planets, searched for idols to help destroy even more planets quickly but came away with only destroying 2 out of 3 idols- for 5 different planets. Went around the map numerous times in different places in search of maybe possibly another idol spot that may be easier but unfortunately I hit a brick wall and the game is just too darn difficult for me to keep on. It's a shame because I like the game a lot and want to conquer 100% but unless they patch in a new update or something my journey ends here. Still had a blast though!. It's a tough as nails shmup done in the aesthetics of R-Type (ZX Spectrum version). It has tons of little short levels that make you swear (in a good way). You will die a lot, but each and every level is achievable. One for the retro fans, for sure, but shmup fans should give this a chance beyond a cursory glance. It has some really great levels.. Where do I start? Why don't we start by saying that this game calls back to several classic games, as well as a classic system that passed the test of time in the 80s. No knowledge of the ZX-Spectrum (yes, Z as in proper british Zed) is required to play the game, but the colour scheme and pacing as well as the audio draws (and screams) authenticity as if you're using it to play this game.Control schema is very simple. Two keyboard setups, SPACE as a command button, along with simplistic gamepad support (directional buttons + A on a XBox controller - or in ZX terms, FIRE). The tutorial is simple enough explaining how to use the controls.Audio sounds just like it's coming from the audio chip in a ZX-Spectrum; the graphics also the same, with the intricate shading.Gameplay? A mix of the firing and option mechanics from R-Type with the powerup selection akin to Gradius\/Nemesis. You collect Zogs (the game's currency) during a mission to activate powerups as well as to purchase upgrades between missions -- any powerup selections during a mission don't subtract from the Zogs you bank -- but you do lose Zogs you carry if you get destroyed during a mission as well as activated powerups -- just like those old shooters.Difficulty is dynamic and is based on the hostility level as well as the type of planet. Several ingame achievements can be earned for pulling off specific feats during a mission or throughout the course of a game. And with so much to explore -- and CONQUER -- it will be likely that the game will take many hours to complete.Interestingly recommended.. A thing of absolute beauty if, like me, you're into retro gaming.Rarely have I seen a more devoted love letter to the halcyon days of 8 bit spectrum gaming.Literally made me so happy that it brought a tear to this old gamers eye.The bar has been set mighty high and I can't wait to see future titles from this developer. Utterly superb.. I just completed this game, and I have to say it was a lot of fun! This game is made as a homage to those of us who grew up in the 8bit computer era (and specifically to those having a ZX Spectrum) playing titles such as R-type. The game visual style is done in the style of ZX spectrum games with its original palette and respecting some of the original constraints (although I wish an original ZX Spectrum could run a game as complex as this!). The gameplay combines elements of classic arcade shooter-em-ups (and again, specifically R-Type), with modern elements such as collecting coins ("Zogs") for buying upgrades, getting your ship to be more and more powerful every time. The game features a very extensive collection of upgrades, and I did not manage to buy all the different weapon types in a single play through, so, there is definitively a lot of replayability value here, trying to play with different weapon configuartions.Concerning the difficulty: the game starts easy, but bit by bit levels start getting longer and logner and harder and harder, to the point that I was about to give up in some of the last levels (there is one ocean level in particular that the only way I found to beat it is by using the "shield" upgrade and just sacrificing "one shield" to directly go through a wall!!). At some point through the middle of the game I thought the difficulty was unfair, but the more you learn the inner details of the game, the more fair it seems. Some times you will just die because an enemy materialized right on top of your ship and you might have the feeling that there was nothing you could do about it. But the more you play, you will realize that those instances are predictable, and the more you play certain level types, you will learn where traps will pop up, and get better and better at those levels, giving a very nice feeling of "getting better at this game".So, in sumary, I really recommend this game: took me about 16 hours to beat it. 16 hours of good old-fashioned fun!. This game is difficult.Your hand will cramp up.You have to continually press the fire button old school.You can't redefine the keys despite it being a Unity game which has a facility to add that really easily in the launcher.Some of the sound effects are too loud and really grate.You will see the option for chunky vs. smooth movement in the menu and breathe a sigh of relief...Until you realise it was already on smooth.
Z-Exemplar Activation Code [addons]